All grown up now with my own kids, we still do this. On Monday nights, we have something called "Family Home Evening". We get together as a family, have a prayer, sing songs, read from the scriptures, share talents, have a spiritual lesson, play a game or do an activity and then have treats. For this FHE (Family Home Evening) we combined the activity with the treats. :)
I've included photos of the family with one of their "masterpieces".
Yes, those are "bunny ears" behind my beautiful wife's head. Isn't that a great pumpkin she made?
That's Emily with a lady ghost all dressed up for a night on the town.
This year, we convinced Stephanie that the goal was not to put as much candy on the cookie as possible. She did a great job!
Amy decorated this ghost as Abrecan--the villian from my book The Hidden Sun. Seeing how many people really disliked Abrecan, it looks like he is getting his just desserts. (Sorry, couldn't help myself with the bad pun)
Kelley was going for the "eclectic" look with her cookies this year. Also, isn't that an awesome shirt she has? What you can't see is the title "When milk goes bad" and then the broken eggs from the container.
Frankly, this picture is just plain old distrubing on several levels.
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