Tuesday, May 8, 2012

Introverts unite!

I had the opportunity to attend the LDStorymakers conference last week. During the opening remarks, Sarah Eden, the MC of the event, made a cute remark about we should all watch out for “introverts”.

As a group, writers tend to be introverts—or prefer to be alone. Granted, that doesn’t include everyone. My good friend Randy McNeely, who was at the conference with me, would have no trouble standing up and singing in front of a large group.

For me, if I was given the choice between going to a party with a lot of people I knew or staying home by myself, 9,999 times out of 10,000, I’d stay home. It’s just what I’m more comfortable doing. At the same time, I really enjoy giving presentations to groups about writing. Heck, I don’t even mind giving talks in church.

It’s almost that you need to be part Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde to be a writer. For a good part of the time, you are alone as you write and edit. However, successful authors also know how to promote. While this can be done on the computer from the safety of a quiet room, there is something about connecting with people at book signings, presentations and conferences.

For me, I feel more inclined to write when someone tells me how much they liked my book. I’m sure part of it is ego, but I believe it’s also a reaffirmation that what I’m writing is touching people’s lives.

To my fellow LDStorymakers, I applaud all of you who stepped out of your comfort zone to attend the conference. I met a ton of wonderful people, some of who I could tell were uncomfortable in a big public setting.

I personally left quite rejuvenated after the conference. Yes, most of the time, I’m alone when I write—as are most writers. But the conference helped me understand something. To borrow a quote of the musician Sting: “Seems I’m not alone in being alone.”


  1. I'm just like you--I don't mind giving a presentation or a talk, but am a little scared of being in large groups at events and parties and not knowing what to say. With a talk I'm prepared and in control, with the other...not.

  2. It was good to see you. Thanks for coming to my class.

  3. Oh, my heck . . . my hands started to sweat when you talked about book signings and presentations. I'm much more Doctor Jekyll than I'd care to admit, and I need that special formula before I can become Ms. Hyde in public. Now if I just can come up with that formula. . .
